Morsal Habib


Hofstad Lyceum

The design for the Hofstad Lyceum was already in its final stages when I joined the project. Much of the work that had been done for this project was focused on perfecting the customization and visualizing the end result to communicate with the school and the executing parties.

Seamless Integration: A New Media Center and Teacher Workspace

A new media center and teacher workspace were seamlessly integrated into one of the wings of the Hofstad Lyceum through a sleek addition. Within this addition, meeting rooms, a multifunctional media center, varied teacher workspaces, and two classrooms for “the gifted” were thoughtfully crafted to optimize functionality and comfort. The existing architecture of the building was carefully considered during the design process, with the pointed gable roof echoed in the facades of the meeting rooms and the pavilion of the media center. The resulting aesthetic is one of transparency, sustainability, and inspiration. Moreover, a completely new installation was implemented, upgrading this section of the school to a fresh and modern class B facility.

Transforming 2D Designs into Photorealistic Renders

In the early stages of the design process for Loes Kellendonk Architectuur, I transformed the layout into a stunning walk-through video of the renovated building. By creating a photorealistic render of the design, we were able to convey the vision to the client in a more tangible and impactful way. This allowed the client to fully understand and appreciate the proposed changes, resulting in a smoother and more successful design process.


Video rendering in architecture is an incredibly powerful tool that offers a dynamic and immersive experience for clients. Traditional 2D drawings cannot compare to the level of understanding that video rendering provides, allowing clients to envision themselves within the space and make more informed decisions. By utilizing video rendering, we were able to enhance the client experience, exceed expectations, and offer added value by showcasing the project in its full glory before construction even begins.

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